Brexit’s Ripple Effect: Veterinary Safety Reporting in the UK

July 24, 2024

Brexit has sent shockwaves through numerous industries, with one of its less publicized but significant impacts being on veterinary safety data reporting. The UK’s departure from the European Union has necessitated the establishment of independent regulatory frameworks, creating unique challenges and opportunities in the veterinary medicines sector. 

Regulatory Challenges in Post-Brexit UK 

The UK’s departure from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has created a dual compliance landscape for veterinary pharmaceutical companies. Firms must now navigate separate regulatory frameworks set by the UK’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and the EMA. This divergence has increased the administrative burden, with early estimates suggesting a rise in compliance-related costs. 

Key challenges include: 

  • Adapting to different reporting formats and timelines
  • Ensuring data harmonization across UK and EU systems
  • Maintaining market access in both regions 

To address these issues, companies are adopting proactive approaches: 

  1. Implementing advanced compliance management tools
  2. Staying informed about ongoing regulatory changes
  3. Maintaining strong communication channels with both VMD and EMA 

Innovating Data Reporting Systems 

In response to these challenges, the VMD has opened various communication channels to engage with industry leaders, including Ennov, to discuss and develop strategies for effective implementation of the new regulatory framework.  

Ennov is set to implement key updates to enhance regulatory compliance: 

  • Ennov PV: 
    • Advanced systems for improved data entry and reporting
    • Aims to streamline processes, reduce errors, and increase efficiency
    • Enables faster, more accurate safety reporting
  • New Industry-Wide Compliance Processes:
    • Comprehensive testing and collaboration with Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs)
    • Ensures alignment with latest regulatory requirements
    • Targets full compliance by the end of the transition period

These updates demonstrate a commitment to regulatory excellence and continuous improvement in veterinary safety data reporting and are setting new standards for the industry. 

A Proactive Regulatory Approach 

Ennov’s active involvement in regulatory panels and committees positions us at the forefront of regulatory developments. This proactive approach allows us to seamlessly adapt our systems to new regulations, making us a trusted partner for regulatory compliance throughout the product lifecycle.

Our unified platform is designed to manage all aspects of the product lifecycle, from pre-market approval to post-market surveillance. This comprehensive approach ensures compliance, enhances data integrity, and improves accessibility across pharmacovigilance (PV), regulatory information management (RIM), and other critical areas.


Brexit’s impact on veterinary safety data reporting underscores the need for agility and innovation in regulatory compliance. As the UK charts its course outside the EU, Ennov remains committed to supporting regulators and industry stakeholders with forward-thinking solutions. Our unified platform aims to deliver unparalleled value, ensuring the veterinary industry not only adapts but thrives in this new regulatory landscape. Get in touch to learn more.

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