Ennov Compliance platform

Ennov Document
Enterprise Document Management Software

  • Support of all documents types (including dossiers)
  • Configurable workflows and electronic signatures
  • Document control and version control
  • Management of meta-data in multiple formats
  • Document rendition / dossier publishing
  • Controlled document distribution
  • Easy-to-use views and search features

Unified Access to All Documents

All types of documents can be managed in the same Ennov database: Quality, Regulatory, but also R&D, Clinical, Engineering, Legal or Marketing. Each document has an ID form associated with it, it includes a set of metadata fields and displays the document history.

Field values are used to classify, filter and search documents. It is then very easy to structure the documentation and navigate in it; there is no need to create multiple databases, one for each domain. Document hierarchies can be set differently for each unit; users then access the content that is related to their function or interests.

Improved Productivity and Efficiency

Ennov manages the entire document lifecycle: creation, collaborative authoring, approval, distribution, revision/cancellation, archival. When a document is revised, the new version is created in draft status; it will become applicable after being signed by all approvers, the previous version is then automatically archived. Approval workflows are entirely configurable, they can be skipped in case you incorporate existing documents into the system. If large volumes of documents or dossiers have to be imported, Ennov proposes data migration services, this ensures a smooth transition to the new system.


Documents and dossiers managed in the Ennov EDMS can be linked to records managed in other modules (e.g. a Change Control in Ennov Process or a Regulatory Activity in Ennov RIM). Each view of documents has its own URL that can be inserted in an Intranet portal, for example.


A dedicated server converts documents into PDF format and dossiers into CTD, eCTD, NeeS, vNeeS and eCopy formats. Compliance with regulatory requirements is then guaranteed. Print control features can be activated if needed for specific document types such as batch files.


Document management is a key component of the Ennov platform.


Core Capabilities

Key Features

Ennov Platform

Ennov’s unified compliance platform is a highly configurable software architecture that combines  business process management, document management, data/forms management, learning management and business intelligence to form the foundation on which our applications are constructed. 


Ennov Platform

Ennov’s unified compliance platform is a highly configurable software architecture that combines  business process management, document management, data/forms management, learning management and business intelligence to form the foundation on which our applications are constructed. 


Ennov Document

Unified Access to All Documents for Improved Productivity and Efficiency

Ennov Data

Data and Advanced Life Cycle Management with a Unified Repository

Ennov Analytics

Graphical Representations of Your Data That Are Flexible, Powerful and Beautiful

Ennov Workflow

Improve Operational Efficiency and Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Why Choose Ennov ?

Hundreds of corporate customers trust Ennov

Over 20 Years of experience providing software solutions for Life Sciences

250+ life science customers, many more in other industries.

Modern architecture and interface

100% web-based. Highly scalable. User-centric design.

Our commitment to your success

Very high customer satisfaction, 98.5% of projects delivered on time and within budget.

Providing you freedom of choice

Available as cloud-based or on-premises deployment

You can switch between deployment options at any time.

We make you autonomous

System configuration and management require no IT skills.

Improved security and optimized performance

Data is hosted locally for total flexibility. Single-tenancy minimizes business interruptions.

cloud industries

Cloud-based or On Premises



iso 2015 ready

ISO 9001:2015 certified